Wyatt has been busy as usual, this week he had a touch of the stomach flu. But, now that he is recovered he is "full throttle" as they say. We are eager for summer to start, so that we can have many adventures outside.
The other day we went to the park, (that is surrounded by the apartments we live in) and had a little picnic. Wyatt saw another little boy there, about 8 or 9yrs old were playing airplanes with one another. It was wonderful to see Wyatt playing with another child, and having that other child accept Wyatt.
Wyatt is doing so well, at school. His teacher says that he is really "spreading his wings." He reaches out to other children, his vocabulary is still very minimal. But, he has other ways of communication.
This last week when we were at home really sick, (I was sick as well). Wyatt, didn't understand what was going on, but he knew that I wasn't acting normal. He came over to me and kissed my cheek and layed his head on my chest and said "care... mame". He knew that I did not feel well and he showed me that he cared.
We all know that Wyatt is going to do great things later in life, he is just going to get there in other ways. I am so grateful for this little blessing in my life, he has taught me so much.